The Arachno

Challenge: Pick a door at the Motel 666 or wait outside.

 You find yourself in an unfamiliar place, at the end of the road. The motel light flickers a dull red light and the moon dips behind dense clouds, the dark feels unreal.  Unusual creatures’ faint calls grow closer and the cold air sinks into your bones. A once perplexing dilemma, now the ominous doors become appealing. 

 Frozen by indecision, you notice each door has a different sign, and find a recognizable shape on one; a spider. As you were wondering what the symbols might mean, a loud noise around the corner jolted you to open the door without knocking.

 To your complete surprise, it was unlocked. The heavy door creaked as it slowly sang wide open. The room is too dark to make anything out, yet warm and inviting. You hesitate to step in when you notice a large silhouette. A light chitting sound tickles your ears as it creeps toward you.

 A low voice calls your attention “Hmmm… I wasn’t expecting anyone”.

 You can see the top half of a muscular man illuminated by moonlight. He stood confidently, wearing nothing. His skin is deep black, like the night sky, and covered in scars. 

 Distracted, you hardly notice him flirtatiously calling you a “treat” while he leans in closer. Shockingly, you notice his body is like no other. His human torso rests on top of a giant spider, with large glossy sword-like legs crawling to the door frame. 

 He pushes back his feathery hair and reveals another set of eyes looking you up and down. A smirk fills his face as he kneels down at your level and whispers a light moan “please, join me”  and reaches for your hand.

 Do you go in?




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